William Stickevers


2024 Election: Astro Political Forecast

Decoding Celestial Patterns in the U.S. Political Arena

An Exclusive Webinar Series Starting January 15, 2024
Presented by Master Astrologer William Stickevers

Join us for the 2024 Election: Astro Insider, a unique webinar series offering expert astrological analysis, insights, and updates for the pivotal 2024 U.S. Election year.

What’s Included In Your Complimentary 2024 Election Astro Insider Access:

  • Cutting-edge astrological analysis and insights in a monthly webinar recording.

  • Ongoing updates as needed in a webinar recording.

  • Exclusive access to the private recording platform (not a Facebook Group) to watch all analysis and update recordings anytime.

When you sign up for the 2024 Election Astro Insider Access – at no cost – you enjoy:  

  • Exclusive Recorded Insights: Gain access to specialized astrological insights and analysis related to the 2024 U.S. Election through recorded sessions.  

  • Ongoing Recorded Updates: Stay informed with ongoing updates provided in a unique astrological perspective on the unfolding political landscape.  

  • Expert Analysis: Benefit from the recorded knowledge and expertise of renowned astrologer William Stickevers. With an impressive 85% accuracy track record for 519 U.S. Midterm and General Election Races, his astute analyses offers a refreshingly cogent and different viewpoint from mainstream political commentary.  

  • World-Class Astrology In Action: Learn about the application of astrology in real-world contexts, valuable for non-astrologers who want to see world-class astrological technique and analysis in action.

  • Complimentary Access: Enjoy these benefits with complimentary access to the analysis, insights, and updates recordings by signing up with your email address so you can access the private platform and stay informed during the 2024 Election season.  

  • Ease of Access: Access the recordings on a private platform at your convenience 24/7.

Want Predictions, Interactive Q&A, and Even More Insights and Understanding?
Enhance Your Experience with GTA Membership. (Learn more)

For those seeking a deeper engagement, consider upgrading to the Global Transformation Astrology (GTA) Membership for additional content and benefits:

  • Live 2024 Election Webinars and Q&A Sessions:
    Participate in live webinars, engaging directly with William Stickevers for a more interactive experience. Ask questions in real-time, deepening your understanding of astrological impacts on politics.

  • Exclusive Live Forecasts and Predictions: GTA Members hear the analysis, insights, and predictions far in advance.

  • Plus all of the standard benefits of GTA Membership: Monthly Webinars, Monthly Q&A Sessions, Resource Articles, Exclusive Insights and Predictions of Global Events, Private GTA Community, Members-Only Events

The GTA Membership offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage with live content, receive immediate updates, and interact with a community of like-minded individuals.

Don't Miss This Astrological Deep Dive into the 2024 Election!

If you are fascinated by the confluence of astrology and politics and are searching for unparalleled insights, predictions, and updates in the dynamic intersection of the 2024 U.S. Election year, sign up now for 2024 Election Astro Insider Access – at no cost to you. Whether you choose the complimentary 2024 Election Astro Insider Access or the comprehensive GTA Membership, you'll gain an empowering and profound perspective on the political landscape.

Enhance your experience with GTA Membership and get full access to predictions and much more.
Learn more about GTA Membership.

About William Stickevers

William Stickevers is renowned for his expertise in mundane, geopolitical, financial and transpersonal astrology with an impressive track record. A Master Astrologer providing in-depth, global astrological insights to help individuals navigate the complex world with more success and fulfillment, William has been combining his mastery in multiple astrological techniques and disciplines to provide profound yet accessible insights and profound truths to thousands of clients around the world for over three decades. As a featured guest on radio shows & podcasts, William's insights and forecasts have reached tens of millions of listeners globally. With an impressive accuracy rate of 85% in predicting over 510 U.S. Midterm and General Election Races since 2008, William brings unparalleled insights into the political landscape.